🎞 yt-concate-py
yt-concate-py is a Python app to produce a consolidated video by concatenating YouTube video clips that mention a specific word from user’s input.
YouTube is the largest and the most popular video-sharing platform.
As a YouTube user and a python programmer, I was building something related to my interest with a tutorial, then yt-concate-py was born.
With this app, you can easily extract and concatenate video clips by a topic word that interested you the most from a YouTube channel.
For example, these are screenshots of the output video that concatenates video clips mentioned “taiwan” from the YouTube channel of 莫彩曦 Hailey.
- supports in all languages
(As long as the language for a word is the same as the language for the first subtitle option of a video) - supports for customizing the number of clips to be concatenated
(Default number: 10)
Using the command line interface
Clone this repo from GitHub to your local directory
git clone https://github.com/whygreedy/yt-concate-py.git
Change directory to the repo folder just downloaded
cd yt-concate-py
Add .env file
that includes your YouTube Data API Key to the repo folder
# your .env file
API_KEY=<your YouTube Data API Key>
Create venv
virtualenv venv
Activate venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Change directory to the folder that includes main.py file
cd yt_concate_py
Execute main.py file
python3 main.py -c <channel_id> -s <search_term> -l <limit>
If you want to concatenate a large number of clips, you could change ulimit to 2048 in terminal with command line
ulimit -n 2048
to avoid error message [Errno 24] Too many open files
Using yt-concate-py in a Python script
Create venv
virtualenv venv
Activate venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install from PyPI with pip
pip install yt-concate-py
Add .env file
that includes your YouTube Data API Key
# your .env file
API_KEY=<your YouTube Data API Key>
Import the package and execute it with a Python Script
# your Python script
from yt_concate_py import main
Example & Result
Using the command line interface
concatenate video clips that mentioned “BMW” from default YouTube channel of Supercar Blondie
python3 main.py -s BMW -l 20
concatenate video clips that mentioned “可愛” from the YouTube channel of 金魚腦 Goldfish Brain
python3 main.py -c UCTT5gtQU5rX8sUQnZaBqiVw -s 可愛 -l 30